If you fall behind on your mortgage, store card/credit card payments or loans, it may damage your credit score and you will receive penalty charges. In some instances, you may even lose your property. This is where payment protection insurance (PPI) comes in handy. PPI is designed to avoid a consumer falling into such a state even if he/she loses a job, falls ill or becomes partially or fully disabled. Store card PPI has become extremely popular within the last couple of years. There are many consumers seeking payment protection insurance to cover repayments on their credit and store cards. Here is a comprehensive overview of why you need store card PPI.
A PPI payout could become a financial lifeline in case a consumer is unable to keep up with his or her store card repayment due to whatever reasons. Most of the time, consumers are unable to repay their debt due to losing their jobs or ill health. Whether or not you require PPI may depend on your financial circumstances and how much you owe at the moment. If you have a fair amount of savings set a side for a rainy day, you may not require PPI since you can manage to repay your debts even if you are in a tight situation.
What if you don’t have enough savings to meet your financial obligations when you are in a tight situation? This is where store card PPI comes in handy. It will provide a valuable peace of mind for many consumers. This is why it is important that you weigh the pros and cons of obtaining PPI cover to protect your debt repayments in the future.
You need to check your eligibility for PPI cover before applying for such a policy. Also, make sure that you are not doubling up on a similar cover offered by your employer. People who don’t work and even those who are self-employed may not be eligible for such a cover most of the time. Many providers may refuse PPI cover if you are currently undergoing any medical problems. This is why you need to make sure to check your eligibility before applying for such a cover.
The best thing is to search online for more information about PPI and make sure its actually right for you. Over the last couple of years the banks of the UK have been paying back vast amounts of mis-sold policy money to their customers and recently even more funds were set aside. Please make sure you only get this insurance if you actually need it.